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Our Story

begins with our founder who recognized a serious lack of universal wellness knowledge throughout the world was causing most of humanity's greatest challenges.


Knowing that the solution was universal access to health care and health information, Yudae was established in 2022 .


Our mission at Yudae is be the resource for health and wellness knowledge and become the leading brand representing equality, health, and wellness.

We are committed to help dedicated individuals achieve peak health and well-being by making quality health and wellness information truly free. 

That means bringing you the highest quality information and resources for all topics related to wellness, such as:


  • Mental Health & Mindset

  • Physical Fitness & Exercise

  • Nutritional Health & Wellbeing 

Wellness is a practice mastered over a lifetime. That means if you don't start now, when will you get there? 

Yudae describes the feeling of happiness through health.


Our goal is to show that "health" and "wellness" are more than just words, they are a way of living which we practice every day.

In case the blueprint backgrounds weren't obvious, were still in the works. Our goal is to be open by October 2024 with all of the features you'll find below.

Take The Yudae 

Pledge of  Wellness


pledge to partake in, and practice each of, the following wellness activities for the remainder of my life starting on [todays date]:

  1. Engage in at least 30 minutes of activity each day of the week

  2. Actively pursure healthy & nurishing food as best I can afford

  3. Spend a minimum of 2 minutes practicing meditation daily

  4. Attend at least 1 community wellness event every week

  5. Spend time writing 3-5 things I am greateful for every day

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