What is Infield Athletic Club?

Who is Infield Athletic Club?

Historically, an infield acted as a central stage for physical competition, training, and culture. In Ancient Greece infields symbolized the ideals of arete (excellence) and agoge (discipline), serving both as arenas for personal growth and communal connection.

At Yudae we're bringing back the ancient concept of the Infield, creating a space where athleticism, community, and knowledge can meet in the middle.

We are Infield. Join us every Saturday morning to celebrate the amazing world of sport, happiness, and health in one of the greatest spaces ever created. Discover an Infield near you.

Ancient Athletics for A Modern World

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  • sweatpals - fitness-card-game - workout-builder - exercise-card-deck - personal-training-austin - community-fitness-events - holistic-health - eudaemonia
  • Parker & Scott gift shop logo - fitness-card-game - workout-builder - exercise-card-deck - personal-training-austin - community-fitness-events - holistic-health - eudaemonia
  • live well recover - fitness-card-game - workout-builder - exercise-card-deck - personal-training-austin - community-fitness-events - holistic-health - eudaemonia
  • activastic - fitness-card-game - workout-builder - exercise-card-deck - personal-training-austin - community-fitness-events - holistic-health - eudaemonia
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  • Group fitness session at Infield Athletic Club in Austin, Texas, promoting community and wellness.

    Use a combination of weighted, banded, and bodyweight exercises to increase strength and improve athleticism.

  • Group fitness session at Infield Athletic Club in Austin, Texas, promoting community and wellness.

    Use agility, running, and plyometrics to build peak athleticism. Recomended for advanced movers.

  • Group fitness session at Infield Athletic Club in Austin, Texas, promoting community and wellness.

    Enjoy a chill recovery day with opportunities to review training, form, and converse. Geared towards general fitness enthusiasts.

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  • Welcome

    9:00 - 9:30 AM

    Although we start at 9, we give everyone a chance to arrive while we provide free coffee. In summer we offer a Breathe Pod cold plunge. We may also do an ice breaker depending on how many new faces we have.

  • Learn

    9:30 - 10:00 AM

    Once everyone arrives we kick into full gear with a half an hour of themed training. For example, if the month's theme is Move, we might focus on running form fundamentals.

  • Workout

    10:00 - 11:00 AM

    With a mind now focused on fitness, we dive into a high-function, low-tech workout built from our very own Classic Deck. We spend up to an hour training with coach Izzie and founder Ryan.

  • Activties

    11:00 - 12:00 AM

    Time for the real fun. Come meet new friends, play with friends, and enjoy mini sports groups as we kick around a soccerball, toss a football, or event play volleyball.


Things to bring


Hydration is important.

We often supply hydration supplements and additional water for free. But not always. Come prepared with your own just in case.

Yoga Mat

Or other type of mat.

What's important is padding between you and the ground. We use them for stretching and movements on the ground. It also helps organize our space.

* We have 2 extra yoga mats in case you forget yours. First come first serve.


A little goes a long way.

Coach Izzie can get a little hangry without some snacks. So she recommends mandarines or protein snacks if you get a bit hungry. Sometimes we end up going pretty hard all day and you just need a snack.


It helps with the sun.

This is actually a recommendation from a Infield member who saw Paulo running around in his Titliest hat and said he wish he'd brought one too. Listen to the kid. It'll help with the sun.

Join the Club